
Doom 4 plasma rifle
Doom 4 plasma rifle

doom 4 plasma rifle

Not too hard, huh? Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 356 Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 354īefore we tackle the two paths, here is a diversion for those who really like a challenge. On the other hand, you'll get the plasma gun in this level if you activate the EFR, plus access to another storage area. Henry Nelson's PDA on the right has the code 651 for storage cabinet 064 - only accessible for those who extend the service bridge. You can activate the EFR system, good if you like jumping puzzles, or extend the service bridge, better if you prefer fighting. Head through the door on the left and Sarge tells you there are two ways to proceed, both listed on this display. Returning through the corridor, you'll find this supply cache, including armor, cells, and a medkit. The voice beckons, "Follow me." These bloody footsteps lead you to this door, where everything goes red and you hear a baby crying.

doom 4 plasma rifle

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 350Ī voice near this door on the left says, "Come here." Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 351 Inside the room you'll find armor, a medkit, a clip and shells.

doom 4 plasma rifle

Battle the Z-Sector inside and the series of Trites that ascend the stairs. Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 348Ĭlimb the stairs and battle these two Z-Sectors. More Z-Sectors attack from that overpass ahead, followed by a swarm of Trites. This Imp attacks, followed by a Z-Sector. Proceed through the now-unlocked chamber. This is a very handy room - it would still be locked if you hadn't rescued Kaczynski. Grab the grenades, armor, and ammo seen here. Use the blue panel seen here on the left to disable the security lock on the cabinets along the right wall. He's requested a door code of 901, but the "Invalid Number in Code" email reveals that the 0 has been replaced with a 3, making the code 931. Listen to the Abrams audio log and learn that the BFG is in his office. Grab the Chaingun briefing video and Michael Abrams' PDA on the counter to the right. Ride the nearby lift down and talk to Kaczynski - assuming you rescued him. If you fail to free the him, these two Z-Sectors charge in through the door behind you. If you were to choose ACTIVATE CHAMBER, the poor man is.processed. You want to choose OPEN CHAMBER to let the nice man out. Head left and Kaczynski asks you to let him out of the chamber. Heal at the health station farther left then continue through the door. Ammo is on the desk ahead, and armor is behind the crates to the left. Alpha Labs Sector 4 Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 337 You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.

Doom 4 plasma rifle